Govt Staff Nurse vacancy 2025 find the ANM GNM Nursing jobs in central government hospitals released the notification for  nursing

Staff Nurse vacancy 2025 latest ANM GNM 4155+Jobs updates

Organizationcentral government hospitals  ESIC, DSSSB, AIIMS, sgpgi, rrb
Vacancy nameStaff Nurse, Nursing officer, MPHW, CHO
No of vacancy4155+ posts
educationANM, GNM, Bsc nursing
Salary central govtlevel 7 44900-142400


Staff nurse salary

Designationsalary per month
Staff Nurse Salary.36,000 to 75,000
ANM Nursing Salary.10,000 to 15,000
GNM Nursing Salary18k to 28,000
BSc  Nursing Salary.25,000 to 35,000
MSc Nursing Salary.35,000 to 75,000
Nursing Officer Salary.45,000 to 77,000
Nursing Superintendent
CHO Community Health Officer

NHM Staff nurse salary :

Rs.26,000 to Rs.30,000

ANM: Rs.16,000 to Rs.22,000

GNM: Rs.26,000 to Rs.30,000

Madhya Pradesh medical colleges Rs.28,700 to Rs.30,000 Per Month

Staff Nurse Exam Pattern 

Fundamentals of Nursing Subject20 Marks
Medical-Surgical Nursing Subject20 Marks
Midwifery and Paediatric Nursing Subject20 Marks
Community Health Nursing Subject20 Marks
Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Subject20 Marks
Total100 Marks
English Grammar Subject40 Marks
Language Subject30 Marks
Literature Subject30 Marks



Upcoming Staff Nurse vacancy

Post typeVacancy
ESIC Staff Nurse99+
AIIMS Staff Nurse
DSSSB Staff Nurse 
SGPGI nursing officer sister grade 2905
Railway staff nurse vacancy 2024 
RML Lucknow Staff Nurse 
AIIMS Norcet Nursing officer 
TN MRB Staff Nurse 
NHM Staff Nurse 
UPPSC Staff Nurse vacancy 
KVS Staff Nurse vacancy 
Army Nursing Assistant vacancyRally wise
BSF Staff Nurse 
CRPF Nurse 
ITBP SI Staff Nurse 
SSB Paramedical staff 

Education qualification:


Staff NurseGNM
ANM or MPHW2 years anm course
Nursing officerBsc nursing or gnm
Nursing superindentmsc nursing
CHO Community Health OfficerGNM with CHO course by ignou 6months

Selection process:


PostSelection process
Staff Nurse Shortlisting based on —
CBT (computer based online test )
Skill test.
SubjectSyllabus Details
Fundamental of NursingAnatomy fundamentals, First Aid, Nutrition, Health Education, Nursing fundamentals, Types of Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Sociology, Psychiatric Nursing, basic Nursing management, mental health, Community health nursing fundamentals, Surgical nursing, environmental hygiene, neurologic Nursing, microbiology, etc.



Staff Nurse vacancy




Staff Nurse grade 1 & Grade II exam pattern CBT

SubjectStaff Nurse Grade-1 Marks & q
Staff Nurse Grade-2 Marks & q
knowledge of concerned post (Nursing)7080
Aptitude and General Awareness1510
Computer Knowledge and Nursing Informatics1510
  1. 100 marks Total.
  2. 1.30 hours exam duration
  3. 1 negative mark for 4 wrong answers.


explain GNM ANM Staff nurse and nursing officer & Nursing superintendent

Top Jobs for staff nurse vacancy

  1. Staff Nurse
  2. Nursing Superintendent
  3. Nursing Officer
  4. Junior Nurse
  5. Midwife
  6. Nurse Mid Level Healthcare Provider
  7. Community Health Officer

Top Hiring Agencies



nursing officer job description


Female worker, Community health worker / officer


Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery.


Registered as Nurse and Midwife in State/Indian Nursing Council.


B.Sc. Nursing /B.Sc. (Hons) Nursing.


B.Sc. (Post-Certificate)/Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing /PC B.Sc..

Staff Nurse Exam Pattern ft ESIC

Part ATechnical Subject (Nursing)100
Part BGeneral Aptitude and awareness25

what are the Types of nursing jobs in government?

  • Staff Nurse
  • ANM
  • GNM
  • Nursing Officer
  • Nursing superintendent
  • CHO  / Community health officer


What are the departments in hire Staff nurse jobs?

  • State health department
  • NHM /NHRM National Health Mission
  • District Medical Officer / DMO – district level notifications
  • govt institutions / colleges
  • Government hospitals

whats difference between staff nurse & Registered nurse?

After completing nurse course either diploma ANM or Degree BSC Nursing. candidates has to register with State nursing council

just paying 500 Rupees varies state to state. valid maybe for 3 years.

after 3 years again we have to renewal.

Why there is lesser opportunities for Male Staff nurse ?

obviously, the answer is yes, but developed countries like western states has more male nurse jobs available. when compare to india.

Why there is Aptitude test for female staff nurse in govt sector?

to identify the brain processing efficiency there is a aptitude test conducted, along with subject topics. you may also check out staff nurse exam syllabus

courses for staff nurse vacancy

ANM/mphW Course n gnm staff nurse /nursing officer job.


FAQs on Staff Nurse jobs vacancy 2024

BSC Nursing vs ANM vs GNM

ANM stands for Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery, it is a 
2 year undergraduate diploma course in nursing (12th with 50% marks)
specialisation in maternal care.
What is the meaning of GNM?
GNM stands for (General Nursing and Midwifery) and focuses on educating nursing students on the topics of general health care and midwifery.
GNM is a 3.5 year diploma course in general nursing and healthcare.
Focus is more on pregnancy care and care of mothers.
BSc Nursing: our-year undergraduate level professional course in multiple aspects of healthcare


Hospitals of Delhi

Safdarjung Hospital
PGIMER Dr. Ram ManoharLohia Hospital
Lady Hardinge Medical College & Smt. SuchetaKriplani Hospital
Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital
National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute

National Institute of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka


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