SSC Agriculture Department Recruitment 2025 – apply for latest vacancy at before the last date. Staff Selection Commission Selection Posts Phase 12 released the notification for Agriculture Department. Interested candidates can download complete vacancy notification through Meanwhile, know the 2025 SSC Agriculture Department vacancy eligibility, salary, and selection process & results last date below.



SSC Agriculture vacancy 2025 Notification salary eligibility syllabus

OrganizationStaff Selection Commission Selection Posts Phase 12
Vacancy namejr fishing gear technologist, section officer horticulture, senior technical assistant
No of vacancy20+ posts
educationdegree diploma in agriculture or its equivalent
Salary35400-114200 (level 6)
Age limit18-30 years

SSC agricultue vacancy in Phase 13 Notification

Posts; Agriculture tecnical assitant, fieled assistant etc

as Per SSC Calendar 2025-26

SSC Phase 13 Notification  

Notification Release DateApril 16, 2025
Last Date to ApplyMay 15, 2025
Exam DateJune-July 2025

SSC Agriculture Department phase 12 vacancy details:

Staff Selection Commission Selection Posts Phase 12 releases various recruitment notifications every year to fill up vacant positions, this year 2025 going to fill Agriculture Department vacancy to operate organization activities normally.

SSC Phase 12

Post & region codevacancyeligibility
Post Code CR11624
1 ( 1 -UR )(a) Master”s degree in Agriculture Chemistry or Master”s degree in Chemistry with Agriculture Chemistry as one of the papers from a recognized University or Institute.

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Salary: LEVEL-6 rs:35400-112000

Initial Place of Posting KANPUR
Job Requirement/ Duties of the Post 1. Take lecture & practical classes of students. 2. Assisting Professors & Assistant Professors of respective Departments in research on problems connected with type of work. 3. Other misc. work assigned by senior officers of respective departments. 4. To guide and instruct to the students.

Post Code CR11824
1 ( 1 -OBC )CR11824- B.Sc. Degree in Agriculture Sciences from a recognized university or Institute with two years experience in area of production or productivity planning or development or extension in food or cash crops namely, oilseeds or Jute or Cotton or Sugarcance or Pulses or Wheat or Coarse Cereals or Rice OR Masters Degree in Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension or Agronomy or Entomology or Nematology or Genetics and Plant Breeding or Agriculture Botany or Plant Bio Technology or Plant Pathology or Plant Physiology or Seeds Science and Technology or Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from a recognized university or Institute or OR Bachelors degree in Agricultural Engineering from a recognized university or institute

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Salary: LEVEL-6 rs:35400-112400

Post Code ER12924
1 ( 1 -OBC )ER12924-M.Sc. degree in Entomology or Nematology or M.Sc. degree in Agriculture with specialization in Entomology or Nematology or M.Sc. degree in Zoology with specialization in Entomology or Nematology from a recognized University or Institution

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Salary: LEVEL-6 rs:35400-112400

Post Code ER12524
1 ( 1 -OBC )ER12524-M.Sc. degree in Plant Pathology or M.Sc. degree in Agriculture with specialisation in Plant Pathology or M.Sc. degree in Botany with specialisation in Plant Pathology from a recognised University or Institution

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Level-6 of 7th CPC (Rs. 35400-112400)

Post Code NE10824
2 ( 2 -UR )NE10824-1. Degree in any subject OR Diploma in Agriculture OR Horticulture of a recognised University/Institurion. 2. Two years” experience in Farm Management dealing with horticulture crops and their propagation activities, preferably in North Eastern Region.

Age Limit( in years) 18-27

Level 4: 25500-81100

Post Code NE10924
2 ( 2 -UR )NE10924-1. Master Degree in Horticulture or Agriculture from a recognised University or Institute. 2. One year experience in the field of Horticultural Development or Horticultural Extension or Horticultural Research or Nursery Management or Protected Cultivation or Post Harvest Management or Floriculture or Vegetable Production from Central Government or State Government or Union territory Administration or Public Sector Undertaking or Statutory Autonomous Organization or recognised research institution or Universities

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Level-6 of 7th CPC (Rs. 35400-112400)

Post Code NR18224
2 ( 1 -UR, 1 -SC )NR18224-(i) Bachelor’s degree in Science (Agriculture) from a recognized University with two years experience in the area or production and productivity in food or cash crops,e.g. rice or wheat or pluse or millet or sugarcane or cotton or jute or oilseeds in the Central Government or state Government office or public sector Undertaking or Autonomous Organizations or any recognized institution; or ii) Master’s Degree in Agricultural Economics or Agricultural Extension or Agronomy or Entomology or Hematology or Genetics and Plant Breeding or Agriculture Botany or Plant Bio technology or plant Pathology or plant physiology or seed Science and Technology or soil Science and Technology or soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry with one year experience in the area of production and productivity in food or cash crops e.g. rice or wheat or pulse or millet ok sugarcane or cotton on jute or oil seeds in the central Government or state Government office or public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous Organizations or any recognized institution; or iii) Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture Engineering from recognized university or Institute with two year experience in the area of Production and productivity in food or cash crops, e.g. rice or wheat or pulse or millet or sugarcane or cotton or jute or oil seeds in the Central Government or State Government office or Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous Organizations or any recognized institution.

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Level-6 of 7th CPC (Rs. 35400-112400)

Post Code NR12424
2 ( 1 -UR, 1 -SC )NR12424-Bachelors Degree in Agriculture or Agricultural Economics or Economics or Commerce or Statistics from a recognized university with two years experience in the field of cooperation or credit in a Government or a recognized cooperative or credit organization. OR Masters Degree in Agriculture or Agricultural Economics or Economics or Commerce or Statistics from a recognized university.

Age Limit( in years) 18-30

Level-6 of 7th CPC (Rs. 35400-112400)

Post Code NR13824
1 ( 1 -UR )NR13824-10+2 pass Agriculture or Botany as one of the subject from a recognized Board or University and one years experience of work in an Agriculture farm

Age Limit( in years) 18-25

Level 4: 25500-81100

more at ssc recruitment 2025 notification





SSC Selection Post Phase 12 XII 2025 exam important dates * (tentative)_

Application Start date26th February 2024
Application Last date18th March 2024
Selection Post Phase 12 XII Exam date 2025 (expected)06-08th May,2024
Result cut off marks date expectedCheck our result section


SSC Selection Post Phase 12 XII Recruitment 2025 Notification links

Vacancy# NotificationApplication form
SSC Selection Post Phase 12 XINotification pdf


apply form





Eligibility Criteria



Job LevelEducation Qualification
MatricClass 10th or High School pass from any recognised board in India
Intermediate10+2 or passed Intermediate Exam from any recognised board in India
Graduate-levelBachelor Degree in any field from any recognised University/Institution in India

 Age limit:


PostAge limit
Agriculture Department 18-30


SSC Agriculture Department Salary / pay scale

jr fishing gear technologist35400-114200 (level 6)
section officer horticulture9300-34800 grade pay 4200
senior technical assistant35400-114200 (level 6)

Basic salary 35400-114200, salary in hand will be 2x of basic salary* including allowances Staff Selection Commission Selection Posts Phase 12 gives best (in the market) salary for 2025 Agriculture Department Recruitment. Candidates are advised to calculate thoroughly understand the SSC basic salary and salary in hand and net salary in hand.


 SSC Agriculture Department Vacancy name list Details

How t check region wise SSC Phase 12 Agriculure vacancy?

visit this link and select region to check posts and press “CTRL+F to search” agri in chrome.  mobile manually check.



SSC Agriculture Department Syllabus



  1. The details of subjects, marks and number of questions subject-wise will be as given below:-



    No. of Questions

    Maximum Marks

    Total Duration


    General Intelligence



    1 hour


    General Awareness




    Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)




    English Language (Basic Knowledge)



  2. There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.



Previous year

jr fishing gear technologist2 posts western region –
section officer horticulture2central region
agriculture assistant2central region
Technical officer storage and research1central region
assistant technical officer1central region
senior technical assistant fisheries3mp region
senior horticulture officer

section officer horticulture

1southern region
senior technical assistant3southern region
assistant technical offcer2eastern region
farm mnager2eastern region
botanical assistant2eastern region
assistant technical officer1kkr
junior chemist2kkr region
junior chemist4eastern region
junior chemist23western region
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