The Rajasthan Jail Prahari exam is a gateway for candidates aspiring to work in the prison department of Rajasthan. To excel in the 2025 recruitment exam, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. This guide provides a detailed overview of the updated exam structure and topics to help you prepare strategically and achieve success.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Exam Pattern 2025

The Rajasthan Jail Prahari recruitment process consists of two stages: a written examination and a physical efficiency test (PET). Below is the detailed exam pattern:

1. Written Examination:

The written test is objective-type, comprising multiple-choice questions. The structure is as follows:

Section Subjects No. of Questions Marks
General Knowledge Current Affairs, History, and Geography 45 180
Reasoning Ability Logical and Analytical Reasoning 35 140
General Science Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Basics 25 100
Total 105 420
  • Duration: 2 hours.
  • Negative Marking: 1 mark deducted for every incorrect answer.

2. Physical Efficiency Test (PET):

Candidates qualifying in the written exam are called for the PET, which assesses physical fitness through tasks like running, long jump, and high jump.

Rajasthan Jail Prahari Syllabus 2025

The syllabus for the written exam is divided into three key sections. Below is the detailed subject-wise breakdown:

1. General Knowledge:

  • Indian History and Freedom Movement.
  • Geography of India and Rajasthan.
  • Current Affairs (National and State-specific).
  • Culture and Heritage of Rajasthan.
  • Economic and Political Overview of Rajasthan.

2. Reasoning Ability:

  • Analogies and Classification.
  • Series and Sequences.
  • Coding-Decoding.
  • Puzzles and Arrangements.
  • Blood Relations and Directions.
  • Logical Deductions.

3. General Science:

  • Basic Concepts of Physics (Laws of Motion, Energy).
  • Chemistry Fundamentals (Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions).
  • Basics of Biology (Human Anatomy, Plant Systems).
  • Environmental Science.

Preparation Tips for Rajasthan Jail Prahari Exam 2025

  1. Understand the Exam Structure: Familiarize yourself with the sections and marks distribution.
  2. Create a Study Schedule: Allocate time for each subject and focus on weaker areas.
  3. Solve Previous Year Papers: Practice past papers to identify question trends.
  4. Enhance Physical Fitness: Prepare thoroughly for the PET stage.
  5. Stay Updated: Follow current affairs and Rajasthan-specific topics.