Table of Contents
General guideline to download admit card?
as we all know downloading admit card is very easy than we thought. but some people really confuse about downloading the hall ticket.
2 ways we can get it.
- By Application number & date of birth.
- With Login credentials created while application process
How to download ?
- visit the Respective official website of the recruitment board.
- or directly visit the download link form above,
- enter your name, application number, and other details.
- and click on download the admit card or hall tickets.
- check latest admit cards details above section click on the respective hall ticket details.
- then you get further official details and latest news of it. Once aware the all the details.
- click on admit card download link
- Ether enter application number or login to the portal
- click on download the admit card of your exam.
Finally, view and confirm the details before you print it.
Why an admit card & what it contains?
its a proof for right candidate allowed in the exam center. its avoids unauthorized persons to enter in the exam center.
It contains candidate details like Name, Father name, hall ticket / application Number photo ID and signature specimen.
Exam details: Exam center location, Date & time of examination and some useful instructions to obey while writing and before going to the exam.
Wrong details /correction
if you any errors related candidate profile like photo signature, most cases you need a gazetted attestation on a paper along with your photo and other details. these details also printed on the back side of the admit card
Why an admit card requires?
its shows proof candidates application and eligibility to enter the examination hall.
its prevent unauthorized persons interrupts the exam.
what an admit card contains?
its contains all about exam details including exam date, examination center, its mode whether it online or offline.
exam timings along with candidates name,photo, father name , signature specimen etc.